Base module

When programming Java 9 applications, or porting existing applications programmed with older versions of Java, the base module (java.base) must be used. Every module requires the java.base module because it defines the critical, or foundational, Java platform APIs. Here are the contents of the java.base module:

    module java.base     {      exports;      exports java.lang;      exports java.lang.annotation;      exports java.lang.invoke;      exports java.lang.module;      exports java.lang.ref;      exports java.lang.reflect;      exports java.math;      exports;      exports;      exports java.nio;      exports java.nio.channels;      exports java.nio.channels.spi;      exports java.nio.charset;      exports java.nio.charset.spi;      exports java.nio.file; exports java.nio.file.attribute; ...

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