Date Calculator

With the release of Java 8, Oracle integrated a new library based on a redesign of Joda Time, more or less, into the JDK. Officially known as JSR 310, this new library fixed a longstanding complaint with the JDK--the official date libraries were inadequate and hard to use. In this project, we'll build a simple command-line date calculator that will take a date and, for example, add an arbitrary amount of time to it. Consider the following piece of code for example:

$ datecalc "2016-07-04 + 2 weeks" 
$ datecalc "2016-07-04 + 35 days" 
$ datecalc "12:00CST to PST" 

This project will cover the following:

  • Java 8 Date/Time APIs
  • Regular expressions
  • Java command-line libraries

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