Pre-Java 9 -source and -target options

The -source option specifies the Java SE version and has the following acceptable values:

Value Description
1.3 javac does not support features introduced after Java SE 1.3.
1.4 javac accepts code with language features introduced in Java SE 1.4.
1.5 or 5 javac accepts code with languages features introduced in Java SE 1.5.
1.6 or 6 javac reports encoding errors as errors instead of warnings. Of note, no new language features were intruded with Java SE 1.6.
1.7 or 7 javac accepts code with language features introduced in Java SE 1.7. This is the default value if the -source option is not used.

The -target option tells javac what version of the JVM to target. The acceptable values for ...

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