Removing your JHAT [JEP 241]

The Java Heap Analysis Tool (JHAT) is used to parse Java heap dump files. The syntax for this heap dump file parsing tool is as follows:

jhat      [-stack <bool>]      [-refs <bool>]      [-port <port>]      [-baseline <file>]      [-debug <int>]      [-version]      [-h|-help]      <file>

Here is a quick look at the options associated with the JHAT command:

Option Description Default
-J<flag> This passes <flag> to the runtime system. N/A
-stack<bool> Toggles tracking of object allocation call stack. true
-refs<bool> Toggles tracking of references to objects. true
-port<port> Indicates the port for the JHAT HTTP server. 7000
-exclude<exclude-filename> Exclude indicated file from reachable objects query. N/A
-baseline<filename> ...

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