Where to get help

JasperForge, the official JasperSoft online portal, is the best place to get help with JasperReports and other JasperSoft products. JasperForge can be found at http://jasperforge.org.

JasperForge has official online forums where questions about their products, including JasperReports, can be asked. The JasperReports online forums can be found at http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/browse.php?group_id=102&forumid=103.

The JasperReports page at JasperForge contains tips, tricks, JavaDoc API documentation, and a quick reference for JRXML elements. We won't repeat that information in this book, as it is readily available online. Commercial support and the training is offered by JasperSoft and other third-party companies.

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