11.16. Obtaining Jakarta Slide


You need to use Jakarta Slide to access a Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning ( WebDAV) resource.


Download the Jakarta Slide 2.0 WebDAV client, and place the appropriate JAR files in your project’s classpath. Following the steps outlined in Recipe 1.1, download Jakarta Slide 2.0—2.0 client zip—instead of Commons Lang.

Jakarta Slide 2.0 WebDAV client depends on Jakarta Commons Logging and Jakarta HttpClient. These dependencies are included in the binary distribution, and once you unpack the archive, they should be available in the lib directory. The archive jakarta-slide-webdavclient-bin-2.0.zip will contain a JAR file named jakarta-slide-webdavclient-2.0.jar; add this JAR and the dependencies to your classpath, and you will be ready to use Jakarta Slide to access WebDAV resources.


WebDAV, defined in RFC 2518, is an extension of HTTP/1.1, which supports distributed and collaborative authoring of content. Using a WebDAV client you can read, modify, copy, move, lock, and unlock resources, and you can read, enumerate, and modify properties associated with resources and collections of resources. Resources made available with WebDAV can be mounted as filesystems in Windows XP/2000, Mac OS X, and Linux, and the DAV protocol can be thought of as defining a filesystem built on top of HTTP/1.1. The WebDAV protocol is at the core of a number of distributed version control and content management systems.

Jakarta Slide extends ...

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