9.14. Using FreeMarker in a Web Application


You would like to use FreeMarker templates in a web application.


FreeMarker ships with a FreemarkerServlet, which can be configured to render your FreeMarker templates. To configure this servlet, add the following servlet and servlet-mapping elements to your web.xml file:




If your application contains custom JSP tag libraries, these tag libraries can be used from a FreeMarker template. To see how a JSP tag library can be used in FreeMarker, take a look at the following JSP page, which references an app tag library with a TLD file in /WEB-INF/app-taglib.tld:

<%@page language="java"%>
<%@taglib uri="/WEB-INF/app-taglib.tld" prefix="app"%>

 This is an HTML page with a taglib in it.

<app:printStuff var="test" mode="fast"/>

The app tag library has a printStuff tag, which takes the parameters var and mode. The same tag can be used in a FreeMarker template ...

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