


This class is an Item that presents a list of alternatives to the user and allows one or more of them to be selected. Most of the methods of the ChoiceGroup class are implementations of those specified by the Choice interface, which it implements, and are described in the reference entry for Choice.

A ChoiceGroup can be constructed in either Choice.EXCLUSIVE mode, when it behaves as a group of radio buttons, or in Choice.MULTIPLE mode when it acts like a collection of check boxes. ChoiceGroup does not implement the Choice.IMPLICIT mode.

At any given time, one entry in the ChoiceGroup control has the input focus. The user can move the focus to any entry in the list using keys on the keypad or the pointer, depending on the platform. The entry with the input focus will be highlighted in some way to distinguish it from the other entries. The user can change the selected state of the focused entry. When the selection is changed in this way, the ItemStateListener for the Form containing the ChoiceGroup is notified. Note, however, that changing the entry that has the input focus has no effect on the selection and is not notified to the listener.

public class ChoiceGroup extends Item implements Choice {  
// Public Constructors
   public ChoiceGroup( String label, int choiceType);  
   public ChoiceGroup(String label, int choiceType, 
        String[] stringElements, 
        Image[] imageElements ...

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