


An abstract class that should be subclassed to provide a unit of work. The TimerTask can then be scheduled for execution through the use of the Timer object. Subclasses should place code to be executed by the Timer in the run() method and use either the schedule() or scheduleAtFixedRate() method to arrange for it to be scheduled.

Once a task has been scheduled, future execution can be canceled by calling the cancel() method. If the task is executing when this method is called, however, it will be allowed to complete. A task will not be scheduled for execution again once the cancel() method returns.

The scheduledExecutionTime() method can be used to get the time at which the task was most recently scheduled for execution, as a millisecond offset from 0:00 UTC on January 1st, 1970.

public abstract class TimerTask implements Runnable {  
// Protected Constructors
   protected TimerTask();    
// Public Instance Methods
   public boolean cancel();  
   public long scheduledExecutionTime();  
// Methods Implementing Runnable
   public abstract void run();  

Passed To

Timer.{schedule(), scheduleAtFixedRate()}

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