


This class generates pseudo-random numbers based on an initial seed value. The algorithm used is deterministic in that two instances of this class, initialized with the same seed and subject to the same method calls in the same order, will return identical sequences of numbers. Subclasses can implement a different random number generation algorithm by overriding the protected next() method to return a pseudo-random number with the specified number of bits.

The nextInt() and nextLong() methods return the next pseudo-random integer and long values, respectively, from the random number sequence of this generator. The default algorithm generates numbers that are approximately evenly distributed over the total range of values for the return type, which implies that there is an almost equal chance that any given bit in the random value will be 0 or 1.

The setSeed() can be used to set a new seed value from which subsequent random numbers will be generated. The seed can also be supplied when an instance of this class is created. A Random object constructed with its default constructor is seeded with the current time, expressed as the number of milliseconds since Jan 1st, 1970.

The CLDC implementation of this class does not include the J2SE methods for random floating point numbers (the CLDC VM does not support floating point values), nor does it offer the ability to obtain random boolean values and random-valued byte arrays.

public class Random { // Public Constructors ...

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