


Enumeration is an interface that provides methods to access an underlying sequence of objects that can be traversed in an implementation-defined order. An Enumeration is often used to traverse the elements of a Vector as an alternative to directly accessing each element by its index.

The hasMoreElements() method returns false if the Enumeration is empty or has already returned its last element. The first call to nextElement() returns the first element in the Enumeration, if it is not empty. Each subsequent invocation of this method returns the following element. Calling this method after the last element has been returned results in a NoSuchElementException. The hasMoreElements() is typically called before each use of nextElement() to check whether the end of the sequence has been reached. Note that the values of an Enumeration can be iterated through only once; there is no way to reset it to the beginning.

public interface Enumeration {  
// Public Instance Methods
   public abstract boolean hasMoreElements();  
   public abstract Object nextElement();  

Returned By

Hashtable.{elements(), keys()}, Vector.elements()

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