


Error is a subclass of Throwable. It is the base class for exceptions that are not likely to be recoverable by application code, but also do not represent programming errors (and hence are not derived from RuntimeException). Methods that might throw Errors are not required to indicate that fact by including a throws declaration. In the same manner, code that calls such a method is not required to catch the Error.

The number of Error subclasses defined by CLDC is much less than the number that exist in J2SE, primarily because the cause of most errors on this platform is device-specific and therefore not susceptible to common handling by platform-independent code. Errors that are reported as such in J2SE are often regarded as terminal conditions that should halt the execution of the virtual machine in CLDC.

This class is the same as its J2SE equivalent, apart from its inability to be serialized.

                  Thrown By
public class Error extends Throwable {  
// Public Constructors
   public Error();  
   public Error( String s);  



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