


Writer is an abstract class that defines the methods implemented by subclasses that provide character output. A Writer differs from an OutputStream in that it works in terms of 16-bit Unicode characters rather than 8-bit bytes. A sequence of Unicode characters can be safely converted to an 8-bit data stream by wrapping an output stream with an instance of the OutputStreamWriter class, which is the only concrete subclass of Writer provided in the CLDC package.

Most of the methods provided by Writer are the same as those available from OutputStream, except that the fundamental unit of transfer is a char rather than a byte. The write() methods copy Unicode characters instead of bytes to the underlying storage. Writer also provides overloaded variants of write() that write out some or all of a String. Because some implementations may buffer data internally, Writer provides a flush() to force buffered data to be written. Buffered data is always written out when the close() method is called.

public abstract class Writer {  
// Protected Constructors
   protected Writer();  
   protected Writer( Object lock);    
// Public Instance Methods
   public abstract void close() throws IOException;  
   public abstract void flush() throws IOException;  
   public void write( String str) throws IOException;  
   public void write(char[] cbuf) throws IOException;  
   public void write( int c) throws IOException;  
   public void write(String str, int off, 
        int len) throws IOException; public abstract void  ...

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