MakeMIDPApp: JAD to PRC Conversion Tool


MIDP for PalmOS


java -cp Converter.jar com.sun.midp.palm.database.MakeMIDPApp [options] jarfile


The MakeMIDPApp command converts a MIDlet suite in the form of a JAR and a JAD file into a form suitable for installation on a PalmOS device. MakeMIDPApp is a Java language utility found in the file %INSTALL_DIR%\Converter\Converter.jar, where %INSTALL_DIR% is the installation directory of the MIDP for PalmOS product, of which it is a part.



Prints a synopsis of the command and the options that it recognizes.


Provides verbose output. If you use this option twice (i.e., -v -v), slightly more output is produced.

-jad file

Supplies the Java Archive Descriptor (JAD) for the MIDlet suite. This argument is optional, but if you don’t supply it, any application properties held in the JAD file that are not also in the manifest file of the JAR will not be accessible at runtime. See Section 3.5.3 for a discussion of application properties.

-name name

Gives the name to be associated with the MIDlet suite when it is displayed on the PalmOS device’s application launcher screen. The name may contain spaces, provided that quotes are used to separate it from other arguments. Names longer than nine characters are not guranteed to be displayed in full. If this argument is not supplied, the MIDlet suite name from the manifest file or the JAD file (if supplied) is used instead.

-longname name

Supplies a name of up to 31 characters ...

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