15.8. Building and Running the RMI Examples

The buildfile shown in Listing 15.8 builds components for all of the examples shown in this chapter. The buildfile introduces a new Ant task, <rmic>. This task invokes the rmic compiler on the indicated class (not .java source) files to produce the stubs and skeletons needed for the application.

Listing 15.8. Ant Buildfile for RMI Examples
 <project name="rmi" default="stubs" basedir="."> <target name="compile"> <javac srcdir="." classpath="../../.." > <include name="RemoteStandings.java" /> <include name="RemoteStandingsAdapter.java" /> <include name="RemoteServer.java" /> <include name="RemoteServerImpl.java" /> <include name="RemoteDSI.java" /> <include name="RemoteVersionInfo.java" /> <src path=".." ...

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