14.9. Building and Running the JAXB Example

Listing 14.13 shows the build.xml file for the JAXB example. In order to build the JAXB example, you'll need to alter the JAXB_HOME property to the location where you've installed the early-access release. Because of changes being made to the JAXB implementation, the example code here will not work as written with future releases of JAXB.

The default <build> target will run the xjc compiler to generate classes from the standings.dtd file, and then compile those classes as well as the source for our example program. The <test> target will invoke our example, which utilizes the xjc-generated classes.

Listing 14.13. build.xml From jaxb Directory
 <project name="jaxb" default="build" basedir="."> <property ...

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