
Abnormal operating conditions, 622
ambients, 623
frequency, 638
loading, 623
unbalanced loading, 639
voltage, 638
ACLD test, 338, 345, 386
ACSD test, 337, 338
Ageing rate, 624
Air insulated delta-connection, 678
Aluminium in windings, 55
Ambient temperature, 163
Anomalous loss, 43, 47
Autotransformers, 21, 688
Askerel, 101
Average surface noise level, 437
Back to back test, 365
Back-e.m.f., 2
Breathers dessicant-type, 257
refrigeration, 101, 257
Breathing systems, 101
Brentford regulator, 224
Buchholz relays, 261
Bushings, 261
condenser, 262
epoxy resin impregnated, 265
high current, 265
re-entrant, 262
Cable box connections, 268
Capacity charge, 817
Capitalisation values, 819
Cathodic protection, 279
Cellulose, 62
degradation of, 610 ...

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