The last example was somewhat tedious in that you had to repeat essentially the same code for each function, but with different variable and parameter types. However, there is a way of avoiding this. You have the possibility of creating a recipe that will enable the compiler to automatically generate functions with various parameter types. The code defining the recipe for generating a particular group of functions is called a function template.

A function template has one or more type parameters, and you generate a particular function by supplying a concrete type argument for each of the template’s parameters. Thus, the functions generated by a function template all have the same basic code, but customized by the type arguments that you supply. You can see how this works in practice by defining a function template for the function max() in the previous example.

Using a Function Template

You can define a template for the function max() as follows:

template<class T> T max(T x[], const int& len)
   T maximum(x[0]);
   for(int i = 1; i < len; i++)
      if(maximum < x[i])
         maximum = x[i];
   return maximum;

The template keyword identifies this as a template definition. The angled brackets following the template keyword enclose the type parameters that are used to create a particular instance of the function separated by commas; in this instance, you have just one type parameter, T. The class keyword before the T indicates that the T is the type parameter for this template, ...

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