MARC GREGOIRE is a software engineer from Belgium. He graduated from the Catholic University Leuven, Belgium, with a degree in "Burgerlijk ingenieur in de computer wetenschappen" (equivalent to Master of Science in Engineering in Computer Science). After that, he received the cum laude degree of Master in Artificial Intelligence at the same university, started working for a big software consultancy company (Ordina: http://www.ordina.be). His main expertise is C/C++, specifically Microsoft VC++ and the MFC framework. Next to C/C++, Marc also likes C# and uses PHP for creating web pages. In addition to his main interest for Windows development, he also has experience in developing C++ programs running 24x7 on Linux platforms, and in developing critical 2G and 3G software running on Solaris for big telecom operators.

In April of the years 2007, 2008, and 2009 he received the Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) award for his Visual C++ expertise.

Marc is an active member on the CodeGuru forum (as Marc G) and also wrote some articles and FAQ entries for CodeGuru. He creates freeware and shareware programs that are distributed through his website at www.nuonsoft.com and maintains a blog on www.nuonsoft.com/blog/.

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