12.5. Floating-Point Parallel Operations

When we first introduced floating-point instructions, we correlated them with their apparent integer equivalents. Similarly, we now introduce the Itanium floating-point parallel operations by analogy to operations on full-width data.

Table 12-3 lists the Itanium instructions that perform operations on two single-precision floating-point values packed in the 82-bit floating-point registers. Analogies are drawn to instructions that operate with double-precision data where appropriate.

Table 12-3. Itanium Floating-Point Parallel Instructions
Instruction NameOpcode(s)Analogy
Convert Parallel Floating-Point to Integerfpcvt.fx, fpcvt.fxufcvt.fx, fcvt.fxu
Floating-Point Mixfmix 
Floating-Point Packfpack 
Floating-Point ...

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