
Bringing together all the ideas we have covered in this book means reviewing eight key elements that will help you to summarise what you can do and how you can start to create momentum.


1 Imagination

Throughout this book I have urged you to use your imagination to create a vision, a reason, your why. This is the catalyst for a new beginning. If you aren’t already, become clear of your vision.

2 Identification

Once you know where you want to be, you can determine your direction and path. Start from where you are now. Don’t wait for everything to be perfect in your mind or life, just start.

3 Improvement

As we spoke about in the last chapter, it is about making small, incremental improvements over time. What may seem like an insignificant action, when combined with other small acts applied with a tenacious spirit, can generate great change.

4 Innovation

To get different results you need to take different actions. Innovation is simply about doing things differently. Gain a different perspective to shift your thinking to a new level.

5 Implemention

Good intentions will never change anything. Only the implementation of ideas through action can transform who you are and what you achieve. As simplistic as this may sound, individuals who achieve greatness and tap into their potential ...

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