
Now you know where you are emotionally when it comes to achievement in your life, let’s discuss the solutions that can move you from here to where you need to be to create a greater degree of certainty in your life. Even if you are ‘certain’ now, I want to share with you one strategy that will move you closer to your goals in less time.

The certain

It’s great that you are certain about what you want and how you are going to achieve it. The key for you now is to remain focused on your goals so that those goals are realised in the shortest time and with the least effort.


The easiest step in the goal-setting process is deciding on the goal; the hardest thing is to remain focused on it. There are so many distractions in the digitally connected, 24/7 world in which we work, live and play. Here are three actions you can take to remain focused on what matters to you:

1 Develop a mindset that means you always focus on the things that count.

2 Ask yourself the question ‘What’s important now?’

3 Write down your goals on a card or create a list of your goals on all your digital devices, then read those goals every day to keep them in the front of your mind.

I recently listened to a speaker colleague of mine, Nic Stewart, sharing an experience he’d had in Los Angeles during a dinner with ...

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