206 iSeries Access for Web V5R2 and WebSphere Host Publisher V4.0
Figure 6-77 Starting the application
For details, see:
WebSphere Application Server Information Center:
IBM WebSphere V4.0 Advanced Edition Handbook
, SG24-6176
IBM WebSphere Host Publisher Administration and Users Guide
, GC31-8728
6.6 Creating composite applications
Composite applications combine multiple Integration Objects to produce a single stream of
output information to the user. Composite applications enable you to use the output of one
Integration Object as input to another or fill a table with data from several different Integration
Objects that access different data sources. The four ways to produce a composite application
using Host Publisher Studio are:
Combining Integration Objects output
Sequencing Integration Objects on a single page
Sequencing Integration Objects on multiple pages
Sequencing Integration Objects between non-adjacent pages
Refer to Chapter 11 in the redbook
A Comprehensive Guide to IBM WebSphere Host
Publisher Version 3.5
, SG24-6281, to learn how to develop composite applications.

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