Software Updates for MusicMatch Jukebox Plus

The safest bet for getting MusicMatch and the iPod to make beautiful music together is to use the version that came on the iPod’s CD. Still, some later versions of the jukebox program work with the iPod, provided you download an iPod plug-in file for it. In MusicMatch Jukebox Plus, go to OptionsAdd New Features to find the iPod plug-in to install.

If your iPod didn’t include MusicMatch Jukebox but you want to use it anyway, you can locate the link to the latest iPod-compatible version at; do a search for “iPod.” You can also try the horrendously long address at, where the company usually posts its most recent iPod-approved versions of the software.

You can download the iPod-approved version of the program from the MusicMatch Web site. You can make other versions of MusicMatch Jukebox Plus work with the iPod if you install the proper plug-in software, but check the support area of the site to see which versions are compatible with the iPod and its plug-in.

Figure 16-1. You can download the iPod-approved version of the program from the MusicMatch Web site. You can make other versions of MusicMatch Jukebox Plus work with the iPod if you install the proper plug-in software, but check the support area of the site to see which versions are compatible with the iPod and its plug-in.

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