Saved Slideshows

iPhoto 5 introduces the notion of savedslideshows, each of which appears as an icon in your Source list. As noted earlier, the beauty of this system is that you can tweak a slideshow to death—you can even set up different transition and speed settings for each individual slide—and then save all your work as an independent clickable icon, ready for playback whenever you’ve got company.

The key to all of this is the Slideshow icon at the bottom of the iPhoto window(Figure 7-4).It tosses you into the new Slideshow editing mode, which has some features of Edit mode and some features of regular old thumbnail-organizing mode.

Here’s how you create and fine-tune a saved slideshow:

  1. Select the photos you want to include.

    You can select either a random batch of slides (use any of the techniques described on page 109) or an icon in the Source list (like an album or book).


    By Shift-clicking or ⌘-clicking, you can actually select several icons in the Source list simultaneously. When you proceed to step 2, iPhoto will intelligently merge their photo contents into one glorious slideshow.

  2. Click the Slideshow button beneath the photo-viewing area.

    Thunder rumbles, the lights flicker—and you wind up in the slideshow editing mode shown in Figure 7-4. At the same time, a new icon appears in the Source list, with the word “Slideshow” tacked onto the name. (The icon looks like a little pile of actual slides.)

    Figure 7-4. In the new slide-show editor, the window shape is designed to mimic ...

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