The Music Tab

To copy over the music and audio books you want to take along on your phone, click the Music tab. Next, turn on Sync Music. Now you need to decide what music to put on your phone.

  • If you have a big iPhone and a small music library, you can opt to sync All songs and playlists with one click.

  • If you have a big music collection and a small iPhone, you'll have to take only some of it along for the iPhone ride. In that case, click Selected playlists. In the list below, turn on the checkboxes for the playlists you want to transfer. If you don't have any playlists yet, flip back to Chapter 12 for instructions.


Playlists make it fast and easy to sync whole batches of tunes over to your iPhone. But don't forget that you can add individual songs, too, even if they're not in any playlist. Just turn on "Manually manage music and videos." Now you can drag individual songs and videos from your iTunes Library onto the iPhone icon to install them there.

If you've got music videos, you'll see that they get their own checkbox. As for audio books: they already live in their own self-titled playlists. Click the appropriate checkbox to include them in your sync.

Making It All Fit

Sooner or later, everybody has to confront the fact that a current iPhone holds only 8 or 16 gigabytes of music and video. (Actually, only 7.1 or 14.6 gigs, because the operating system itself eats up about a gigabyte.) That's enough for around 2,000 or 4,000 average-length songs, respectively—assuming you don't ...

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