Prep Work: Setting Up Your Accounts

First things first. To use Mail, you need an e-mail address. If you have broadband Internet access (that is, a cable modem, FiOS, or DSL), you probably received one or more e-mail addresses when you signed up. If you’re one of the handful of readers who doesn’t already have an e-mail account, you can get one for free from Yahoo! ( ), Google ( ), Microsoft ( or ), AOL ( ), or one of many other service providers.

warning_4c.eps Many (if not all) free e-mail providers add a small bit of advertising at the end of your outgoing messages. If you’d rather not be a billboard for your e-mail provider, either use the address(es) that came with your broadband Internet access ( or, for example) or pay a few dollars a month for a premium e-mail account that doesn’t tack advertising (or anything else) onto your messages. As mentioned, you can get a free e-mail account as part of Apple’s iCloud service.

Set up your account the easy way

Chapter 3 explains the option of automatically syncing the e-mail accounts on your computer with your iPhone. If you chose that option, your e-mail accounts should be configured on your iPhone already. You may proceed directly to the later section, “Darling, You Send Me (E-Mail).”

If you haven’t yet chosen that option but ...

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