Chapter 10

Becoming a Digital Author

In This Chapter

arrow Turning documents into e-books

arrow Writing simple book projects with Book Creator

arrow Using ScribblePress with younger children

arrow Creating and publishing with iBooks Author

Remember those days you’d come to school with your assignment on a large sheet of cardboard, little pictures stuck randomly around it and punctuated with large headings you wrote with bold markers? If you think I am going to dissuade you from encouraging your students to create those types of projects, you are wrong. There’s always a place for such hands-on work, and you should continue to encourage it wherever appropriate. As parents and educators, however, it’s also important for us to recognize that the landscape is changing at a rapid rate and that there are some compelling, digital alternatives that need to be incorporated into education.

The whole notion of writing is changing. Being an author used to mean having an agreement with a book publisher to distribute and sell your book. Don’t get me wrong: It’s still a good idea for those of us in that situation! The ...

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