Chapter 7

Social Networking and Sharing

In This Chapter

arrow Connecting, sharing, and learning on Twitter

arrow Sharing your web findings with groups in Diigo

arrow Watching and sharing videos with Showyou

The future of learning is evolving from the traditional one-to-one exchange between teacher and student to a dynamic model that thrives on networking, collaboration, and sharing. This chapter focuses on how you can start learning with social networking services. That applies whether you’re a teacher recognizing the need to continually be learning, a professional updating his or her expertise with new discoveries and practices, or a student working on a school project. You look at learning with Twitter, collecting and sharing information with social bookmarking services such as Diigo, and sharing videos with Showyou. So go ahead and sit back, relax, and invite the world to your living room. It’s okay; you won’t have to provide dinner.

tip.eps Teachers typically have been the curators of information in schools, selecting and presenting information, and specifying articles and books for students to read. ...

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