Playing music and audiobooks

equipment_needed.eps Equipment needed: An iPad with audio and/or video content loaded onto it (see Chapter 10) or an Internet connection for listening to online radio. Earphones or speakers, if you'd like to use them.

skills_needed.eps Skills needed: Good command of gestures, including tapping and dragging.

The iPad enables you to take your favourite music and videos with you wherever you go, and gives you a number of interesting new ways to enjoy your music collection. If there is one track in the middle of your favourite album that really niggles you, or if you've always wanted a jukebox that plays your favourite songs in a random order, the playlists feature can help.

The iPad's high-quality screen is ideal for watching films, whether these are full-length movies you've bought or rented or short films published on the Internet. The iPad mini's screen is, of course, a little smaller. Nonetheless, you should find it comfortable for watching video, too.

In this chapter, we show you how to play music and listen to podcasts on your iPad. In the next chapter, we look at video viewing options. We assume that you've successfully added music or video to your iPad by downloading it from the iTunes Store or by ripping music from your CDs. Both of these options are covered in Chapter 10, so head ...

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