
The animal on the cover of iOS Swift Game Development Cookbook is a queen triggerfish (Balistes vetula), so named for the two interlocking spines it can raise under threat, to firmly ensconce itself in the crevice of a reef or prevent a would-be predator from swallowing it whole. Queen triggerfish inhabit coral and rocky reefs in the Atlantic Ocean at depths of approximately 10 to 100 feet, though they have been known to seek sand- or seagrass-covered sea floors 900 feet below the surface.

Though as often found in schools as alone, queen triggerfish maintain a reputation as an aggressive fish. They fiercely defend the eggs they lay in nests on the ocean floor and use strong jaws and teeth to eat the crustaceans and other invertebrates that make up the bulk of their diet. Queen triggerfish create their nests by moving their fins quickly to direct a current of air into the sea floor. They also use this technique to avoid the longer spines on top of a sea urchin by blowing it onto its back to reach the tender meat underneath.

The queen triggerfish’s appetite for invertebrates, as well as its penchant for confrontation, make it an unsuitable addition to reef aquariums. If it is placed in an aquarium, it is ideal to use a tank holding at least 500 gallons, or the queen triggerfish will attack other fish. It is also known for redecorating aquariums by picking up pieces of coral and moving them elsewhere.

The mood of the triggerfish is not, for all of its aggression, static. Its ...

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