How to do it...

The following are the instructions to create the example app:

  1. Create a new DocApp using a blank template and navigate inside the folder, as follows:
$ ionic start DocApp blank$ cd DocApp
  1. Install the following npm dev dependencies for using typedoc:
$ npm install --save-dev gulp gulp-connect gulp-typedoc typedoc
  1. Create gulpfile.js in the root directory of the app and add the following content:
var gulp = require("gulp");var connect = require("gulp-connect");var typedoc = require("gulp-typedoc");var config = {  root: "docs/"};gulp.task("typedoc", function() {  return gulp.src(["src/**/*.ts"]).pipe(    typedoc({      module: "commonjs",      target: "es6",      experimentalDecorators: true,      out: config.root,      name: "DocApp", readme: "./" ...

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