

absorption, 153-154

abstract concepts, cognitive mapping of, 148

ACC (anterior medial cingulate cortex), 114

action, understanding language as, 103-104

action at a distance, language as, 86, 93


determining intentions of, 101-103

egocentric limitations of understanding intentions of, 104-105

observing and executing, 97-99

mirror neurons, 99-101

adrenal glands, 53

affective component of empathy, 112-114

agape, 38, 40

Agape and Eros (Nygren), 39

agency, mindful, 123

aging of U.S. population, 174

altruism, 111, 187

Alzheimer’s disease, loneliness and, 55

animals, empathy in, 111

anterior insula, 114

anterior medial cingulate cortex (ACC), 114

anthropomorphic inference, 137

anthropomorphism, 11-12, 202. See also personification of ...

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