
Leonard Feather, the British-born jazz pianist, composer, and producer who was best known for his music journalism and other writing, once wrote “Finishing a good book is like leaving a good friend.” Whether he was speaking about finishing a book in the sense of reading or writing it is unclear. In either case, his sentiments are correct. As coeditors, we hope that you think Investor Behavior: The Psychology of Financial Planning and Investing is a “good book.” If so, many people merit credit. Foremost among them are the chapter writers who shared their knowledge and devoted countless hours to writing and revising their work. To them, we owe our special thanks. Also, the professional team at John Wiley & Sons deserves our appreciation for exhibiting a high degree of professionalism from inception through publication. We also want to recognize the support provided by the Kogod School of Business at American University and the Business Management Department at Goucher College. The editors dedicate this book to Linda Baker and Vito and Loretta Ricciardi. In particular, Professor Ricciardi would like to thank his parents for the support, encouragement, and love throughout his lifetime that made this book possible. He also acknowledges and thanks those who mentored him in pursuing a career as a finance professor: Igor Tomic, Anoop Rai, Hank Pruden, Bob Olsen, Hugh Schwartz, David Hua, Hamid Shomali, and Mike Jensen.

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