
I began to write this book from memory. Then I discovered my memory for facts, statistics, and stories, some decades old, was less than perfect. This meant I had to talk to a number of people in order to get my facts right. Some people took or returned my calls (see Chapter 19), and some responded to my e-mails. Most made minor contributions; but a few did more. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I couldn't have done it by myself.

Frederick Pierce

I do want to thank one person who had no direct involvement whatsoever with this book.

My first real exposure to writing came when I was hired by ABC-TV to research television. The results of my research had to be written up, so I was very fortunate to have had a boss who took the time to work with me on my memos. Fred Pierce, then the manager of research, taught me to write with the patience of Job. Sometimes he would edit, correct, and improve two, three, and even four drafts of my memos before he deemed them ready to be sent to management. His criticisms were always positive; he never raised his voice. And the memos always went out under my name. I would never have developed into a writer without him.

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