Acceleration, 221, 226240

Acceleration due to gravity, 221

Addition of sinusoids of same frequency, 166173,

See also under Sinusoids

Addition of two complex numbers, 137

Angular frequency, sinusoids, 161

Angular motion of one-link planar robot, 159162

frequency and period, relations between, 160162

Antiderivative, 280

Armature current in DC motor, 140141

Asphalt problem, 278283

Average velocity, 219

Bending moment, 250

Capacitor, 314321

current passing through, 247250, 314321

energy stored in, 314321

impedance of, 135

voltage across, 247250, 314321

Center of Gravity (Centroid), 286293

alternate definition of, 293296

determination using vertical rectangles, 292

evaluation using horizontal elemental areas, 89

first moment of area, 294

of triangular section, 86

Chain rule of derivative, 241

Complementary solution, 347

Complex conjugate, 145147

Complex numbers, 132156

addition of two complex numbers, 137

armature current in a DC motor, 140141

complex conjugate, 145147

division of complex number in polar form, 139140

examples, 141145

exponential form, 136

impedance of a series RLC circuit, 136137

impedance of R, L, and C as a, 134135

multiplication of complex number in polar form, 139

polar form, 136

position of one-link robot as, 133134

subtraction of two complex numbers, 137

Cos(θ), 61

Cramer's Rule, 188189, 192

Current, 240

flowing in inductor, 322326

passing through a capacitor, 314321

Definite integral, 280

Deflection, 251

Derivatives, 218277 ...

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