
Absolute prepayment rate, 89

Accelerated distribution percentage, 110

Accounting. See Capital; Operating leases

considerations. See Project financing

equity method, 279

Accreting swaps, 3536

ACE Guaranty Re, 106


asset analysis, 351

collateral pool characteristics, 346347

default events, 349

issuer overview, 346

lessee analysis, 351

maintenance, 351352

parties, roles, 349350

payment structure, 348349

portfolio details, 350351

presale, 345352

profile, 345346

rationale, 346

remarketing agent evaluation, 350

strengths/concerns, 347

surveillance, 352

transaction structure, 347348

Actual/360 day convention, 48

Actual/360 day count, 30

Adams, Phil, 4

Adjustable-rate residential mort gage loans, backing, 100

Adjusted discount rate. See Discount rate

Adjusted present value technique, 225

Advance rate, 83

After-tax proceeds, estimation, 227


CDO, 152

Limited, 151

structure/tranching, 153

Ambac Assurance Corporation, 106

American option, 37

American-type options, 42

Amortization schedule, 83

Amortizing structures, revolving structures (contrast), 8283

Amortizing swaps, 3536, 97

Andacollo Gold Mine (market risk; operating risk), 274

Annual percentage rate (APR), 86

Anson, Mark J.P., 48

Application service providers (ASPs), 273

Arbitrage CDO, 120

creation, 125

structure. See Synthetic arbitrage CDO structure

Arbitrage motivated CDOs, 124127

Argentina, methodology test, 312313

Armstrong, Don, 224

Arturo Merino Benitez International Airport, 267

Asian financial ...

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