
  1. 1's complement sum
  2. 2DES
  3. 3DES/2
  4. 3DES/3
  5. 802.1X
  6. Abelian group
  7. access control
    1. discretionary
    2. mandatory
  8. access pattern
  9. access point (AP), see wireless access point (WAP)
  10. ActiveX
  11. ActiveX control
  12. ad hoc WLAN
  13. adaptive chosen-query attack (CQA2)
  14. Adleman, L
  15. Advanced Encryption Standard
  16. adware
  17. AES
    1. add round key
    2. add subkey
    3. inversed S-Box
    4. mix-columns
    5. reverse S-Box
    6. S-Box
    7. shift-rows
    8. state matrix
    9. substitute bytes
  18. algebraic cryptanalysis
  19. almost b-conserving
  20. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
  21. Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  22. anonymous network
  23. anti-malicious-software system
  24. antiphishing extension
  25. AP spoofing
  26. application gateway
  27. application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC)
  28. ARP poisoning
  29. ARP spoofing
  30. Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX)
  31. avalanche effect
  32. Avast AntiVirus
  33. backdoor
  34. ballot preparation
  35. ballot tallying
  36. Barreto P
  37. Base64 encoding
  38. bastion host
  39. batch detection
  40. BBS pseudorandom bit generator
  41. beaconing
  42. behavior signature
  43. behaviorial data forensics
  44. Bellare M
  45. Bertoni G
  46. bias vector
  47. bidirectional PRE
  48. big endian
  49. binary string
  50. birthday attack
    1. set intersection attack
  51. birthday paradox
  52. bit
  53. Bitcoin
    1. block
    2. coinbase transaction
    3. miner
    4. miners
    5. network
    6. transaction record
    7. unit (BTC)
  54. Black J
  55. black-hat hacker
  56. blackhole attack
  57. Blaze M
  58. Bleumer G
  59. blind signature
  60. block chain
  61. block cipher
  62. block cipher mode
  63. Bluetooth
    1. combination key
    2. initialization key
    3. link key
    4. secure pairing
    5. secure simple pairing (SSP)
  64. Blum L
  65. Blum M
  66. Boneh D
  67. boot virus
  68. bootstrap protocols (Bootp)
  69. botnet, see zombie army
  70. broadcast attack ...

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