
& (bitwise AND) operator, 334, 889

&& (AND) operator, 332

// comment notation, 302, 314, 719

/* */ comment notation, 719

== (equality) operator, 336338

> (greater than) operator, 338

>= (greater than or equal to) operator, 339

!= (inequality) operator, 338

< (less than) operator, 338

<= (less than or equal to) operator, 339

% (modulus operator), 357

! (NOT) operator, 332

|| (OR) operator, 332

. (period), 293

| (pipe / bitwise OR) operator, 334, 889

; (semicolon), 277, 292, 299, 405407

<< (shift left operator), 890

_ (underscore), 296

2D depth-sorting order (Bartok), 732736

2of12inf word list, 756

2x Multi Sampling setting, 808

3-act structure, 5254

3D / 2D button (New Project screen), 883

3D cameras, 467

3D printing, 48

3x5 ...

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