We begin our tour of combinatorics by investigating elementary methods for counting finite sets. How many ways are there to choose a subset of a set? How many permutations of a set are there? We will explore these and other such questions.

1.1 The multiplication principle

We start with the simplest counting problems. Many of these problems are concerned with the number of ways in which certain choices can occur.

Here is a useful counting principle: If one choice can be made in x ways and another choice in y ways, and the two choices are independent, then the two choices together can be made in xy ways. This rule is called the “multiplication principle.”


Suppose that you have three hats and four scarves. How many different hat and scarf outfits can you choose?

Solution: By the multiplication principle, there are 3 · 4 = 12 different outfits. Let’s call the hats h1, h2, and h3 and the scarves s1, s2, s3, and s4. Then we can list the different outfits as follows:



At the French restaurant Chacun à Son Got, there are three choices ...

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