Setting Up Your Scene

But enough introduction—let’s dig into the code and see what this little bird can do. Starling is very easy to setup. First, a Starling object needs to be created and added to your main class.


Starting from now, when referring to objects like MovieClip, Sprite, and so on, we will imply the Starling APIs and not the native ones from the Flash Player, unless specificed explicitly.

The Starling constructor expects multiple arguments. Here is the signature:

public function Starling(rootClass:Class, stage:flash.display.Stage,
                         viewPort:Rectangle=null, stage3D:Stage3D=null,

Actually, the first two are the only ones really used commonly. The rootClass argument expects a reference to a class extending starling.display.Sprite and as a second argument, our stage:

    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.display.StageAlign;
    import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
    import starling.core.Starling;

    [SWF(width="1280", height="752", frameRate="60", backgroundColor="#002143")]
    public class Startup extends Sprite
        private var mStarling:Starling;

        public function Startup()
          stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
          stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;

          // create our Starling instance
          mStarling = new Starling(Game, stage);
          // show the stats window (draw calls, memory)
          mStarling.showStats = true;

          // set anti-aliasing (higher the better quality but slower performance)
          mStarling.antiAliasing = 1;

          // start it!


Here’s our

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