Getting Started

In order to download Starling, check out the following links:

Note that Starling is licensed under the simplified BSD licence, so feel free to use Starling in any kind of projects. You can contact the people behind the Starling framework at .

Once downloaded, you will reference the Starling library as any other AS3 library. Then, to use the new Stage3D APIs required by Starling, you will need to target SWF version 13 by passing in an extra compiler argument to the Flex compiler: -swf-version=13.

Here are the directions:

  • Download and install Flash Builder 4.7 from the Adobe gaming website:

  • In Flash Builder, create a new ActionScript project: File New ActionScript project.

  • Open the project Properties panel (right-click and chose “Properties”).

  • Select “ActionScript Compiler” from the list on the left.

  • Add to the “Additional compiler arguments” input: -swf-version=13. This ensures the outputted SWF targets at least SWF version 13 (Flash Player 11, which is required for Stage3D). If you compile on the command-line and not in Flash Builder, you need to add the same compiler argument.

  • Ensure you have installed the new Flash Player 11 build in your browser or available as a standalone debugger.

  • To download standalone versions of the Flash Player, go to: ...

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