7.6. WCF Starter Kit Integration

Two great features previously seen in the WCF REST starter kit (www.asp.net/downloads/starter-kits/wcf-rest) have been brought into WCF4:

  • Help pages

  • HTTP caching

7.6.1. Help Pages

Help pages are automatically generated HTML pages that describe how to call your service and the type of response it will return, and can be very helpful for working out how to call the darn thing. Help pages are created automatically when you use the WebServiceHost class (although at the time of writing this doesn't seem to be the case) and when using the HelpEnabled property on WebHttpBehavior.

Let's take a look at this now with a contrived example:

  1. Create a new WCF service library project called Chapter7.WCFWebService.

  2. Add a console ...

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