The Next Chapter
In Chapter 3 you will learn how to make real maps, virtual maps, and publish maps on the Internet.

1To convert inches to feet (with tenths), divide by 12; for example, 30 inches is 2.5 feet.

2Defined approximately as the area enclosed by a square that measures 208.7 feet on a side, or defined exactly by a rectangle 1 foot wide by 43,560 feet (about 8 miles) long. In other words, an area of 43,560 square feet.

3See my textbook: The Global Positioning System and ArcGIS, 3rd Edition, Taylor & Francis – CRC Press, 2009.

4Sometimes the mouse cursor comes up as the pan tool when you didn’t order that. If that happens simply change it back to the Select Elements tool on the Tools toolbar.

5To conserve computing resources (time, memory space), extensions are not loaded into the fast memory of the computer unless the user takes specific action.

6When the first sentence of a step is in bold italics, like this one, it means that you should read over all of the text of the step before you attempt to follow the directions in the step.

7A “pounce” is either a double-click or a single-click (to select) followed by pressing Enter on the keyboard.

8None of the data names in Esri software is case-sensitive. That is FORD_VCTR is considered the same as ford_vctr. However, blanks are not permitted in dataset names, nor in folders or in the paths to data set names. Dashes may also cause problems in filenames but not folder names. Not knowing all this causes trouble at times.


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