

  1. Analysis of variance (ANOVA)

  2. Analytics

    1. benefits

    2. data crunching

    3. decision capability

    4. definition

    5. deployment model

    6. descriptive analytics

    7. developments

    8. e-commerce sites

    9. evaluation

    10. finance industry

    11. in-sample testing

    12. model

    13. optimization techniques

    14. out-of-sample testing

    15. predictions

    16. process

    17. response model

    18. retail industry

    19. tools

  3. Anti money-laundering (AMI)


  1. Banking, financial services, and insurance (BFSI) industry

  2. Banking industry

  3. Bayes’s theorem

  4. Big data

  5. Breusch-Pagan chi-square test


  1. Chi-square test

  2. Classification

    1. confusion matrix

    2. conventional computing

    3. decision trees

    4. definition

    5. discriminant analysis

    6. logistic regression

    7. methodologies

    8. models

    9. neural network

    10. random forest

  3. Clustering

    1. agglomerative

    2. business aspects

    3. definition

    4. dendrogram

    5. divisive

    6. elbow method

    7. exclusive

    8. fuzzy

    9. hierarchical

    10. k-means technique ...

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