
I would like to thank several people who have helped make this book happen. In particular, I’m indebted to Bob Quinn from Stardust Forums for his work on Chapter 4, Greg Shipley for his feedback on Chapter 5 (which resulted in a major rewrite), Barry Margolin, who pointed out holes in each of the chapters and Appendix B in particular, and Bob Packer, the CTO of Packeteer, Inc., who contributed heavily to both the conceptual and practical aspects of Chapter 7. Many questions were also answered by a variety of participants from the TCP-IMPL mailing list. I’m extremely grateful for the unselfish assistance that those folks provided.

I’m especially indebted to Mike Sullenberger, who provided detailed comments, criticisms, and compliments on each and every chapter in this book. Without Mike’s feedback, this book would be riddled with errors.

On another note, I never really understood why so many people thanked their editors in the acknowledgments, but now I do. Michael Loukides makes things happen. This book would never have been possible without his many efforts, would never have been written without his determination, and would never have been shipped without his flexibility.

In addition, I would like to thank Tim Bean at Shomiti Systems, who worked hard to give us access to Surveyor Lite for distribution with the original printing of this book. Thanks also goes to Fritz Nelson and Kevin Cooke at Network Computing Magazine, who gave me writing assignments (and thus kept me funded) during this book’s development.

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