Access to information, 48

Accounting, 47, 48


and automation, 44, 45, 47

and editing process, 144

executive certification, 91

writing standards, 28, 29

Acronyms, use of, 58, 105, 106

Adjectives, 158. See also Modifiers

“Agree,” use of with prepositions, 125

AICPA. See American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)

communication guidelines, 38, 39

professional standards, 38

and risk terminology, 16

SAS 61, 38

SAS 112, 38

“Amount” versus “number,” 105

Analytical method of report organization, 74

Annual internal control report, 32, 174

Apostrophes, 135, 136


backup documentation, 59

and detailed data, 74

use of, 19

Asia, communication issues, 152

Atkinson, Cliff, 129


analyzing, 152157

informal surveys and preferences, 96

Audit committees

Auditor Reports to Audit Committees (SOX Section 204), 31, 172

expanded role of, 20

report format preferences, 06

Audit components

collaboration on, 1315

noncompliance, disclosure of, 14

traditional, 14, 15

Audit process

collaboration, 10, 1315, 22, 76, 77, 152

communication skills required, 1123. See also Communication

core issues, deciding on, 1 5, 16

documentation, 3, 36, 37, 203210

executive summary, 22, 23, 57, 59

first meeting, 1113

flowchart, 6, 7, 9

information to include, deciding on, 1619

linking (synthesis thinking), 1921, 36

listening skills, 1113. See also Listening skills

revision and rewriting, 21, 22. See also Editing

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