I am particularly indebted to Dr Evangelos Falaris, Professor of Economics at the University of Delaware, who took the time to review selected chapters and offered both technical and expositional comments.
Many thanks also to Murray Ruggiero, one of the world’s leading experts in intermarket analysis, who contributed to improving the final version of the book by making valuable comments and suggestions on a preliminary manuscript. Murray is Vice President of Research and Development of TradersStudio, contributing editor for Futures Magazine and author of several books on trading systems.
Special thanks to my wife, Erifili, for her love and patient support, and for putting up with late nights, despite having no actual interest in the subject.
I also want to thank Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan, the editor of Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities magazine, for encouraging me to write the articles for the magazine and helping me later with the task of finding the best publisher for the book. Many thanks also to Caitlin Cornish, my editor at John Wiley & Sons, and to her assistant Aimée Dibbens, for their guidance and support during the publication process.
It is difficult to appreciate the effort and hours that go into researching and writing a book of this nature until you’ve had a chance to work on one yourself. The correlation studies involved a huge amount of historical data and I would like to thank Peter Day for helping out with the VBA to manage the data in Excel ...

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