Survey Data

Top Game Stories


x X = Number of people who cited the game

(ITS) = Interactive Traditional Story

(MES) = Multiple-Ending Story

(BPS) = Branching Path Story

(OES) = Open-Ended Story

(FPDS) = Fully Player-Driven Story

(NS) = No Story

(NA) = Not Applicable (a nonvideo game title such as a board game or tabletop RPG)

(U) = Unsure


.hack Series (ITS)

.hack//G.U. Series (ITS)

Prototype (ITS)

Age of Mythology x 2 (ITS)

Animal Crossing (FPDS)

Another World x 2 (ITS)

Ar Tonelico (BPS)

Assassins Creed x 2 (ITS)

Baldur’s Gate Series (ITS)

Baldur’s Gate (ITS)

Baldur’s Gate 2 (ITS)

Baten Kaitos Series (ITS)

Baten Kaitos Origins x 3 (ITS)

Battle Moon Wars (U)

Battlefield: Bad Company (ITS)

Big Brain Academy (NS)

BioShock x 10 ...

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