Building custom TensorFlow library for Android

Follow these steps to manually build a custom TensorFlow library for Android:

  1. In your TensorFlow root directory, there's a file named WORKSPACE. Edit it and make the android_sdk_repository and android_ndk_repository look like the following settings (replace build_tools_version and the SDK and NDK paths with your own settings):
android_sdk_repository(    name = "androidsdk",    api_level = 23,    build_tools_version = "26.0.1",    path = "$HOME/Library/Android/sdk",)android_ndk_repository(    name="androidndk",    path="$HOME/Downloads/android-ndk-r15c",    api_level=14)
  1. If you have also worked with iOS apps in the book and have changed the tensorflow/core/platform/default/mutex.h from #include "nsync_cv.h" and ...

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